Terms of service.

Cancellation Policy

Both of our time is valuable, so please make sure you are prepared to honor your appointment. A card on file will be required for all appointments in order to guarantee and reserve that time for you. There is a $30 service fee for any session not cancelled within the 24 hour time frame or a no-show.

Inappropriate Behavior Policy

Massage therapy is for relaxation and therapeutic purposes only. There is absolutely no sexual component to massage whatsoever. Any insinuation, joke, gesture, conversation, or request otherwise will result in immediate termination of your session and a refusal of any and all services in the future. You will be charged the full service fee regardless of the length of your session. Depending on the behavior exhibited we may also file a report with the local authorities, if necessary. Treat your therapist with respect and dignity and you will be treated the same in return. Understand that any intoxication, sexual innuendos, language and/or behavior made by client will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination of the session with no refund.

Intake Forms

Mandatory form prior to receiving ANY services. Allows your provider to obtain knowledge about your overall health and what your goals are during/after your sessions. Please complete to the best of your knowledge. We will send electronically along with your service confirmation.

✿Understand that massage therapy may provide benefits for certain conditions which may include relief of muscular tension, relaxation, improvement of circulation, reduction in the symptoms of stress-related conditions and provision of general wellbeing, but results are not guaranteed.

✿Understand that side effects of massage therapy may include muscle soreness, mild bruising, increased areas of pain, swelling and light-headedness amongst other possible temporary outcomes.

✿Please advise the service provider about any discomfort you may experience during the session and understand that the session will be adjusted accordingly. You will not hold your service provider responsible for any pain or discomfort during or after my session.

✿You understand that draping will be used to ensure your privacy and that this massage is totally therapeutic and non-sexual in nature.

✿You are aware that the service provider is not qualified to diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications or physically perform spinal or skeletal adjustments.

✿The service provider understands that you have the right to question procedures used and to receive an explanation of any procedures that the therapist performs.

✿The information you provide about your medical history is accurate to the best of your knowledge, including all known allergies and/or prescription drugs/products you am currently ingesting
or using topically.